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Hingham, Massachusetts Relocation Attorneys

Once divorced, parents often find that relocating to another state or a significant distance within the state becomes complicated. If, for example, you are moving from Hingham to Pittsfield and want to take your child with you, the move will affect the parenting time schedule ordered by the court when both parents lived in Boston, as someone will now need to drive three hours to drop off or pick up a child. If you or the other parent wishes to move from Massachusetts to California, whether you take the child or not, you will almost certainly need to renegotiate the parenting time schedule. It is important in such situations to have the advice and counsel of a knowledgeable divorce and family law attorney to ensure that you or the other parent does not run into trouble with the court because of an unauthorized move. 

Thinking About Moving After a MA Divorce? Contact a South Shore Relocation and Divorce Lawyer.

At our Hingham, MA, law firm, Coastal Divorce and Family Law, LLC, our experienced lawyers have the knowledge and creativity to help clients navigate the issues involved in relocating after divorce. Whether you need a modification of the parenting plan or an adjustment to child support and child custody orders because of a move that will affect your children, our Massachusetts divorce and family law attorneys can help. To learn more, contact us for a free initial consultation. Call us at 781-749-7483 or use our online contact form. 

Issues in Relocating After Divorce

If the court issued a child custody or parenting time order, whether you were divorced or never married, you must obtain permission from the other parent or the court to remove a child from the Commonwealth. Things to consider if you or your spouse wishes to relocate: 

  • The first step should be to talk to the other parent about the relocation. If they are not agreeable, the next step would be to seek a modification of child custody and parenting time orders in court. 
  • If both parents agree to the move, the change should be recorded and filed with the court. This will prevent unpleasant surprises later if one parent says they did not agree to the move. Even if the parents are friendly toward each other, it is best to be safe and use the legal strategies available. This protects everyone involved. 
  • If both parents do not agree and one parent seeks a modification of a custody and visitation order, the judge will consider factors such as whether the move will improve quality of life for the child, how it might affect the child’s relationship with the non-moving parent, and whether the child has any preference about the matter. In short, the court applies the standard of “best interests of the child” to approve or deny the petition to modify the agreement. 
  • When parents have shared physical custody of a child, relocating, even if the child remains in Massachusetts, will require significant changes to the court-ordered parenting plan. Shared physical custody involves an easy back and forth between parental residences on a regular basis, a circumstance that will be interrupted by a long-distance move. Whether you or the other parent wishes to relocate, it is important to have the advice and counsel of an experienced family law attorney who can help ensure that you have no unwanted disruptions in the future.

Contact a MA Family Law Attorney for Help with Relocation/Removal

To learn about your legal options and rights in matters involving the relocation of a parent or the removal of a child, call our Hingham law firm. We will listen to your concerns with care and compassion, obtain an in-depth understanding of your situation, and advise you about the choices available to you. To learn about us how our lawyers can advocate for you, call 781-556-5216 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation. 


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