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Hingham, MA Divorce Attorneys

The Hingham family law attorneys at Coastal Divorce and Family Law, LLC, handle all matters related to divorce. Whether the matter is a straightforward uncontested divorce or a complex matter involving significant assets or a child custody battle, our legal team has the experience and knowledge to shepherd clients through a difficult and stressful process.

Call a Compassionate and Experienced Divorce Lawyer on the South Shore

Our lawyers and staff are recognized by clients for their compassion, empathy, and willingness to listen. Clients with questions about the divorce process quickly learn that our law firm is a place to get common-sense answers to difficult legal questions. Call us at 781-556-5216  for a free initial consultation to learn more about our approach to divorce matters. You may also contact us online.

Handling All Aspects of Divorce

Our experienced attorneys handle all matters related to divorce including:

Our law firm assists with matters like these and with all aspects of divorce and family law. If you do not see your issue listed here, please call us. The chances are good that we can assist you. 

How We Work With Clients

Whether you or your former spouse are hoping to relocate, or you need help modifying a child support order, our legal team can assist. We will listen carefully, ask you questions about your goals, and develop a legal strategy designed to meet those goals. We recognize that each client’s situation is different and that what works for one person may not work for another. In short, we tailor our legal approach to fit your specific circumstances rather than applying a generic solution to every family law matter.

Common Questions about Divorce

The members of our Massachusetts legal team know that there is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to divorce. After all, the chances are good that you have never been involved in a divorce before. Even if you were previously divorced, the circumstances are probably different this time and you may be unsure about what lies ahead. Clients often ask questions such as:

  • How long will my divorce take?
  • What is the first step to take now that I have decided to divorce? 
  • Should I move out of the marital home right away?
  • How do courts decide on child custody?
  • How can I keep legal costs reasonable?
  • Can I hire the same attorney as my spouse? 
  • How do I ensure that my spouse will help pay for private school or college? 
  • What can I do if my spouse is hiding assets so they will not become part of a divorce settlement?
  • Will I have to pay alimony to my spouse? 

We answer questions like these and many others, giving you the knowledge and confidence you need to face a challenging situation. Our team of attorneys and paralegals is highly experienced and non-judgmental. We have seen and heard everything and are happy to use our experience to help our clients face the unknown. 

Call a Hingham, Massachusetts Lawyer to Learn About Divorce

Let us help to navigate you through these difficult times. When your family, and children, are at stake, you should never settle for anything less than the best. Get the legal advice, counsel, and representation you need. Contact Coastal Divorce and Family Law at 781-556-5216 for a free 30 minute consultation. You may also contact us online. We can help you decide which course of action will serve your best interests.


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Child Custody


Child Support


High-end divorce


Relocation and Removal


Divorce Mediation


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